A short manual on how to not be a jerk (by accident) at the bouldergym.
Everyone at the bouldergym basically wants the same thing: having an awesome time. Whether you are an experienced 7a climber or trying a new sports for the first time (and getting addicted to bouldering for life). At places where many people come together, we generally like to adhere to some basic rules. That why we as people make agreements that we all find helpfull and logical. Like driving on the right side of the road. Or wearing clothes in public places. Some of these general norms are very clear. Other rules are not followed as strictly. I asked you on Instagram what the unwritten rules are (or should be) at the gym so everyone can enjoy their sessions to the fullest. So here are, with a big fat wink, The Do's and Don'ts to not be a jerk at the gym (by accident). The unwritten rules. Again: This article is written for entertainment purposes only. Safety and fun always remain the most important!
Keep your nipples to yourself
Every gym has dressing rooms. Use them. To put on a shirt, for example (or a sports-bra if you want to be gender neutral). No everyone is asking to see your chest. Futhermore it can be indimidating and unhygienic. When you fall on the mat without wearing a shirt a nasty exchange of sweat, dust and magnesium takes place. You don't want that.
Everything gets more gross.

Fun fact: You don't climb harder without your shirt.
Keep you judgement to yourself
Some people try bouldering for the first time and they are true naturals. Others have been climbing for years bur are still finding challenges in the lower grades. Some people are bigger, some are smaller. There are bulky muscular people and skinny ones. There are brown people and white people. There's people with confident while others might be insecure. We're all people and we're all human. But we're all part of the same community. Let's make it a fun one. One where everyone feels welcome and where there's space for all kinds of people. Fun fact: Giving someone a compliment on their foorwork of perseverance can actually make someone's day!

Safety regulations are not a suggestion; keep to them
Keep a safe distance from other climbers on the wall. Walk on the pathways, not on in the matt. Gravity exists. Take that in account. Fun fact: It's so simple, everyone can do it.
Give space, communicate and ask
The gym is almost empty. All the gym to yourself. Amazing. You see one other person. They are projecting the exact boulder that is eyeballing you as well. In this moment you only have two options. Your first option is to walk up to said person, make eye contact and ask "Hi, what a great project is this, right? Would you mind projecting it together?' just like you were taught in school. Your other option is to climb ANYWHERE ELSE in the gym. Chances are that the other person choose a quiet moment to visit the gym with a reason. To have quiet project time and space for themselves. Go climb other stuff. Chances are that your project is available for you within 30 minutes. So you both have a quiet session. Fun fact: If you should find youself in the situation where you'd quickly like to do a boulder that someone else is projecting (because you are doing a circuit for example), you score points by communicating "Hi, Do you mind if I quickly do this boulder and get out of your hair right away?". I promise this is very easy to do.
Beta spraying is silver - Silence is golden
You see someone trying to climb a boulder. They don ́t succeed immediately. You are a friendly fellow boulderer and you know EXACTLY what this other person should do to top the problem. You are more than happy to share your advice. Nice. Don't. Some people explicitly love to puzzle and learn by themselves. As part of the sport. Other people just like to be left alone for a variety of reasons. But above all: maybe the person you are giving advice to is much smaller/ way stronger/ more flexible / than you and your advice is not at all useful for them. They might have a invisible handicap. They might be afraid of heights. You don't know. So keep it to yourself.

Fun fact: Are you asolutely 100% convinved that your advice is welcome? Then ask "Hi, would you like a tips or advice or would you prefer to puzzle on your own?" and then await the answer before spraying your beta.
Of course. When you are trying your boulder project of the year, you might curse at the crux. Or when your mate is bravely fighting themselves through a hard boulder, you encourage them like the supportive friend that you are. Still: be mindful of your surroundings. Loud yelling, grunting and screaming can be annoying but also very intimidating. A social climber is a climber that is aware of the physical and auditive space they take up and is aware that everyone likes their space just as much. It makes other climbers feel more welcome. Fun fact: "yeah, well done!" followed by the famous fistbump is a perfectly fine way to celebrate your successes with your mates at the gym.
As always: Stay positive, safe and healthy and keep climbing!
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